Relational Psychotherapy

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Relational Psychotherapy understands mental and emotional distress as a function of our relationships, sense of self, and social context. In other words - stress, anxiety, depression, and other difficulties arise when our relational needs are unmet. In looking closer at all of our relationships - with the world, others, and ourselves - we are able to gain new perspective on our difficulties and find healing in connection and belonging.

At Rose Beach Family Therapy, our work draws on several schools of psychotherapy aimed at restoring our mental and emotional health by enhancing our relational functioning. Our work brings together attachment, family systems, and psychodynamic therapies to create a foundation for understanding our interpersonal dynamics, patterns of behaviors, and social roles, and we further utilize more modern modalities for understanding the impact of social norms, culture, and privilege on our identities, relationships, and experiences. Existential psychotherapy techniques help to contextualize our understanding of our needs for connection and meaning, and cognitive behavioral therapy is utilized to build interpersonal skills to repair, restore, and refine our present day relationships.

Above all, in this space we understand and honor the individuality of each human being. Thus, in our work, we simply cultivate the environment for each of us to find, make, and take our own path.

“Owning our story can be hard but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it. Embracing our vulnerabilities is risky but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love and belonging and joy—the experiences that make us the most vulnerable. Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light.”

- Brené Brown, Ph.D., LMSW, Woman, Mother, Professor, Author, Vulnerability Expert, Human Being



I started to realize that maybe, in fact, there wasn’t anything actually wrong with me. [Connecting with myself in therapy] made me recognize I was already where I needed to be now.

— {individual psychotherapy client}

It all just clicked for me - I realized the overwhelm, the stress, not having compassion for myself - it’s because I don’t get the compassion from [my family]. I told [my family] that, and then cried. I was asking for what I needed for the first time.

— {teenage family psychotherapy client}


Taking a step back to see how the old way wasn’t working, and to work together on a new [way of communicating]. It made all the difference for us - it’s not perfect, but it feels less harsh and isolating.

— {family therapy client}

Learning to see myself through the eyes of the other group members - that helped me to see how hard I was on myself. It helped me connect to me in a healthier way.

— {group psychotherapy client}

take space.

for yourself. for your family. with your community.

make space.

for others. for your people. for yourself.

Why not now?

Connect with us.

If you’re looking for a safe space to (re)connect with yourself or other(s), we’d love to hear from you and share a bit more about ourselves and our work.